a white Poppy cabinet...

My mom loves Poppies, just like me and for her birthday I made her next to her Poppycard, also a white Poppycabinet...

I started again with the "throw-away" cardboard boxes my husband brought home from technical supplies in the hospital.


I made gelliprints about poppies to cover the box. I love to experiment with the gelliplate and add layer on top of other layers.


Fun is, that if you don't like the result, you just put another layer over it and sometimes even magic happens :)


In the different layers on the gelliprints I used real Poppyflower leaves from my garden as masks and made a positive and negative print in one.


With leftover packaging plastic I made masks of Poppyseedboxes. While I was drawing them on the plastic I had real Poppyseedboxes on my table.

I discovered that each different Poppy in my garden also has a different shape in their seed boxes. So by doing this I became smarter in botanical knowledge !  LOL


I also used the swirl mask from Tim Holtz in one of the layers.

Mostly I use my stencils I have from the crafters workshop, but the masks from Tim were a bit snowed under in my drawers... and now I discovered I could use them in my gelliprints too ! 



I use the cardboard box as a base, but make small display boxes by making them with sheets of sturdy cardboard.

I mostly make 1 larger one and two square ones, but if I use them all or how I use them depends on the project itself..

Here I used one small inside the box and a small one and the larger one on top.

This gave me some more "playroom".

I had place in the box to display a dried poppyseedbox from my garden, but still show enough of the gelliprints.

Inside the square box I glued more dried poppyseedboxes in different sizes.

You can also see here the layering of the gelliprint.


As final print on the paper I added white paint and some black dots and a green dot to suggest a blooming white Poppy.

In the end I added a green paint line for the stem of the Poppy.

In the large box on top are more dried seed boxes. I cut one open to show the inside structure.

Another one was also cut in half but I added gloss accents so the seeds stays in the seed box.

When Poppyseedboxes dry, the top comes open and through the little holes fall the seeds.

And they DID fall !! 

I was drying bunches of these and ended up with Poppyseeds all over my craft room! 

I gathered some in a glass vial, others are ready to be sew in my garden again to give me new Poppies next summer.

I don't know if and how you can dry the flowers themselves...so I made tiny paper Poppyflowers with a small poppyseedbox and white tissue paper.

A bit of a frilling job, but I like how it ended up.

The gelliprints on the outside and back of the box are actually "waste paper".

After all the gelliprinting I had paint residues on the gelliplate. I added a layer of white paint and this is the paper I ended up with !! 

This is one of the gorgeous results of gel printing you can't plan in advance, but I love this kind of cleaning up my gelliplate ! 

My mom got her box and was very pleased with it. If found its place in her home next to her white poppy paintings.

In another blogpost I share more variations of Poppyboxes and how they were created.

greetings from Belgium


Reactie schrijven

Commentaren: 4
  • #1

    Monica (maandag, 18 augustus 2014 17:50)

    Inge what a stunning project ! I'm crazy about flowers, seeds, dried flowers, their structure etc ... And you catched it all here. I love the way you combine your boxes. Fabulous idea !!!
    Thanks for sharing this pretty art. You are so clever !!!
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  • #2

    Eileen (dinsdag, 19 augustus 2014 23:40)

    What a stunning project! I love how well your art and the art of nature work together.

  • #3

    Laurel S. (woensdag, 20 augustus 2014 00:39)

    Absolutely amazing Inge! and love hearing all about the creative process and labor of love that went into the making of this piece of art.

  • #4

    susan salyer (donderdag, 21 augustus 2014 18:36)

    This is beautiful. I just love the happiness it radiates. so thought out and stunning art. Thank you for sharing this beautiful project..and belated Happy Birthday to your Mother.
    susan s


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