taking back my colorful life...

walking in circles or going up the spiral ?
walking in circles or going up the spiral ?

I'm back.. I think so... I hope so...


But not sure if I make promises again as I did past year..


It's more than a year ago since I blogged... not that I didn't want to, but the beast that CFS and fybromyalgia is, ate more of my life then I wanted.


Lots have happened in the past year ! 


I'm still sick at home and not in my dreamjob in my Poppyclass with severely handicapped children.

There has been panic for months that I would not be able to go back to school.

And I will probably never be able again... cause I'm still struggling daily with pain and being tired in a way only people with chronic pain, cancer,... can imagine.


I just arrived in my fucking fifties... so does this mean : "this is it ? This is my life ? "


No, of course not !!


Things can happen, dreams can be born, develope,... while recovering in my couch or my outside bed..;)

outside bed in my garden
outside bed in my garden

I have been listening to podcasts for months now about creative entrepeneurship, how to run your etsyshop,... and there is a new future growing in my mind step by step,..


Not being able to do what I want, I learned a lot...

I learned from my mistakes,from overdoing myself in good moments, searching for balance, finding out about bulletjournaling that helps to get more grip on my life as it is,...


I learned that I'm like the turtle in the tale " the turle and the hare" from Delafontaine...

The turtle is slow, very slow,... the hare runs around and much faster than her,  but she has a goal and she goes on and on and on... and it the end, she reaches her goal..:)


I learned this is MY tale.. not giving up, get up and out of bed every day again, looking at the bright side of life knowing there is so much to live for and be happy for, thankful for all the opportunities and possibilities I still have.


Lots have happened the past year...

Lots have changed, even our 94 year old house got a new future, a make-over..!



old house in a new jacket, colorful outside wall in blue and green
old house in a new jacket, colorful outside wall in blue and green

And even as a turtle I managed to turn the ruin  (that my house was in the middle of the renovation..) into a colorful haven, my cocoon, my little heaven on earth where I go up the spiral of life, sometimes going in circles, making new roots and then back up the winding road on a journey that is life..


I have lots to tell, lots to show you ! 

Hope you will be here with me again !! 


greetings from Belgium


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Commentaren: 1
  • #1

    Els Brigé (zondag, 16 april 2017 19:57)

    Dreams don't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again ;)


instagram: @pinkepinkecreative

facebook: Pinkepinke